


事情发生的经过: 的 legislative chambers were quiet with the House and 森ate on scheduled vacation. 政府. 罗伊•库珀 signed into law a few additional bills the 大会 submitted prior. 和 热带风暴艾尔莎 降雨量 over eastern and central North Carolina before pushing toward the northeast U.S. 

单词释义: With lawmakers out this week, this Bulletin's usual roundup of bill activity is, too. 但是你可以浏览一下 立法机关的法案 & 法律的页面 for status updates -- the chambers' actions on various proposals, and how the governor has dealt with bills they've sent him to sign. (That includes, one week ago today, 否决权 of a bill that sought changes to unemployment benefits.) 

利用: 立法议程 has the House and 森ate back in business on Monday. 

瘦子: A light week for lawmaking, but not for municipalities. Please take the time to recognize our honoring of Chuck 艾伦, the former Goldsboro mayor and longtime 365足彩下载董事会 member who has stepped down from public office to focus on health. For his contributions to Goldsboro and to the League's municipal membership as a whole, we have presented him our Meritorious Lifetime Membership Award and send the warmest of thoughts and thanks to 艾伦 and his family.

Former Goldsboro Mayor Chuck 艾伦 has been presented with the N.C. League of  Municipalities' Meritorious Lifetime Membership Award, recognizing his outstanding service to North Carolina's cities and towns. 

的 award from the organization's Board of Directors follows his service on the board since 2017.  

艾伦, a business owner and developer professionally, first came to elected municipal leadership as a member of the Goldsboro City Council in 1999 and became mayor in 2015. Additional roles include chair of the Wayne County Development Alliance, chair of the Goldsboro Metropolitan Organization, and a governor-appointed member of the N.C. 军事委员会. He was also a founding member of the Highway 70 Corridor Commission, an intergovernmental group focused on safety and economics along the corridor. 美国的一部分.S. 70 Bypass was recently named for 艾伦.  

“查克•艾伦 has shown unrivaled dedication to municipal government and made substantial contributions to assist cities and towns improve the lives of their residents," states a resolution drafted by the NCLM Board and presented by NCLM President K是n Alexander in the mayor's honor.  

艾伦 stepped down from his role as mayor in June to focus on health. 

的 NCLM Board credited 艾伦 for his role in downtown Goldsboro's dramatic transformation in recent years as well as maintaining strong relationships with North Carolina's military presence and with the N.C. 大会. His ideas and tone were an important part of the NCLM Board.  

“查克•艾伦,决议称, “during his time on the NCLM Board of Directors, has helped transform the organization into a modern advocacy and service organization with clear purpose and the ability to connect with state leaders to advance policies that keep municipalities strong." 

We give our deepest thanks to 艾伦 and his family for their service and c是. 

Goldsboro News-Argus newspaper ran a detailed story today (Friday) about the recognition and with further details about his life and public service.

南部 City magazine -- the League’s glossy print and online offering, with the most incisive and singular coverage of North Carolina’s cities and towns, their governments, and the issues before them -- is out for the new quarter. 有了它, 特约记者拨入 互联网服务 问题 that can slow entire communities; on how cities and towns 是 引领潮流 关于经济适用房; 一个pandemic-time 创新 out of coastal New Bern; and the success of the League’s 2021年CityVision 虚拟会议. 的 League’s Immediate Past President, Cary Council Member Jennifer Robinson, 揭示了她 公共服务心态. 和 森. 吉姆Burgin 解释了他的想法 on data-based decision-making, the state of health c是, relationships with local government, and self-imposed term limits. Current League President K是n Alexander, the mayor of Salisbury, 说了她 penchant for partnership-building 更好的导航 现代市政挑战. 和 执行董事 Paul Meyer 强调了 恢复动力学 for cities and towns following 2020’s most 荡漾的事件. Says Meyer, “Crisis brings opportunity, if you 是 willing to 抓住这个机会.” 的 full issue is online at southerncitymagazine.org

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